Citizens Gas


M/s Citizens Gas (Private) Limited (CITIZENS GAS)

is an LPG marketing and distribution company established in 2018 operating under the Marketing Licence issued by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) to market the LPG with the brand name of Citizens Gas.The aim of establishing the LPG company is to supply LPG to the areas that comprise mostly hilly and far-flung areas including Murree, Kotli Satian, Nathia Gali and Azad Kashmir. It is irony of fate that these areas are deprived of any other energy source for meeting the requirement of heating and cooking but to depend on woods from the forest. Our beloved country cannot afford deforestation because if it continues unchecked than this deforestation will pose further severe climatic and environmental problems for Pakistan.

In view of these circumstances Citizens Gas initiated sales and marketing LPG in these areas as cheap/clean and environment friendly fuel for heating & cooking purpose, which is the necessity for the residents of the area. Due to acute shortage of alternate fuel in these areas, people are facing great difficulties in fulfilling their fuel requirements especially in winter season and this condition becomes worst, resulting in deforestation and hazard to the environment.

Call Us: 0331-5942127


Company has installed its LPG Filling & Storage Plant at Village Dhalla Chirah, Lehtrar Road Islamabad as per plan duly approved by the Department of Explosives Govt. of Pakistan having bulk storage capacity of 50 MT, which is planned to be increased up to 100 M. Tons.


All pipelines and fittings are seam less API L/A106 and according to required schedule for liquid lines, vapor lines and water lines. Hydraulic pressure testing of LPG lines was carried out at 375 PSIG. All the ball valves fitted on LPG Lines are WCB Type 300 class,  All the Pressure Relief Valves fitted on lines are REGO made and have set pressure 375 Psig.


 Fire monitors and hydrants have discharge flow rate 250 gallon per minute


Electric panel is fitted with necessary star delta starters for LPG pumps and water pump installed.

Citizens Gas Management

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